1325 Snell Isle Bvld NE, St Petersburg, Florida 33704-2419, United States of America

MZ Group

1325 Snell Isle Bvld NE, St Petersburg, Florida 33704-2419, United States of America


The world’s largest one-stop-shop for investor relations solutions. Consultants you trust, the technology you need. Our deep consulting expertise has enabled us to build the world’s most comprehensive suite of leading IR technologies & tools.

MZ has been a global leader in investor relations services for over 22 years. Our solutions are trusted by more than 800 clients worldwide, and we have published over 2,000 IR websites. Our portfolio of intelligence and communication solutions empowers our clients to remain ahead of the market by providing them with all the tools and insights they need to make effective decisions and better engage with the capital markets community.

All MZ websites are built with investor engagement and regulatory compliance in mind – leveraging fully responsive, modern, and GDPR-compliant designs – all hosted by Amazon AWS and with a user-friendly CMS. Through innovative technology and exceptional customer service we empower your investor relations strategy and help you take your IR website to the next level.