
The Platform Built for Climate Disclosure

Persefoni's Climate Management & Accounting Platform (CMAP) enables businesses, financial institutions, and government agencies software to manage their climate-related data and decarbonization strategies with the same rigor and confidence as their financial reporting systems. The company's SaaS solutions enable users to simplify their carbon footprint and disclose across multiple stakeholders seamlessly, perform climate trajectory modeling aligned to temperature rise scenarios set forth by the Paris agreement, and benchmark their impact by region, sector, or peer groups. Persefoni partners with leading global firms across consulting, technology, and standards setters to bring the best end-to-end solutions to its customers.
As a planet, we cannot fix what we’re not measuring and Persefoni aims to help all corporations, governments, and investors realize and reduce their carbon footprints. It is a first-of-kind, enterprise-scale platform for carbon accounting and management and it is leading the creation of the new climate tech category. 


  • Climate Management & Accounting Platform
  • Climate Impact Benchmarking
  • Net Zero Navigator
  • Portfolio Analytics

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